The Seven Blunders of the World
I recently came across an interesting list written by Ghandi just before he died, and it makes thought-provoking reading.
5 Resolutions for Success
Five resolutions for success that you can use at the start of the year or any time you want. Being the best we can be starts with our attitude, our values and our commitment.
What Inspires You?
Sometimes the thing that changes your whole life can be as simple and basic as a single remark. Other times, we only find inspiration after a long process of contemplation…
Get Real Today or Give Up Tomorrow
It’s time you stopped messing around. Put the pedal to the metal and drive all the way to your ideal life.
3 Ways to Make Change Easy
They say that if you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results. Makes sense doesn’t it? Then why do we avoid change so much?
5 Great Ways to Find Inspiration
Inspiration is the source of our greatest work. Here are some of my favourite ways to find inspiration whenever I need it.
Mental Health
14 People You Need to Cut Out of Your Life
As you discover your personal power, you can attract people who deflect you from your purpose. Here’s my guide to spotting those who hold you back from success.
Top 5 Books to Help You Feel Good
All of us feel low at times. My way of coping with life at times like this is to try and change my mood. I own a library of books that I know will change my mood for the better.
Wrestle a Gorilla
If you think you are not up to life’s challenges, you are wrong. You are more resilient and capable than you think.
Declare Independence Today
Make every day your personal independence day by rejecting limiting beliefs and attitudes. Take charge of your future today in order to create your ideal tomorrow.
This Land Is Mine
I was listening to a song by Dido yesterday called "This Land is Mine" and it never fails to make me think about how I’m living my life. Your life belongs to you.
5 Ways to Improve Your Life
Some days we wake up feeling great. Other days we don’t. Need a little help getting out of a negative cycle? Here are 5 effective techniques to improve your life.
Personal Success
What Is Success?
We all want to be successful. The trouble is nobody can come up with a universal definition of the word. Is it money? Status? It seems to be different depending on who you ask. So what is success?
Does Healthy Equal Wealthy?
We know that if we want to be healthy we need to eat a varied diet, exercise regularly. Also we must get plenty of sleep and learn to relax too. But can doing all these things make you wealthy as well as healthy?
Feel the Tiredness and Exercise Anyway
You'd like to be fitter and have a svelte shape, but you're just too tired to exercise. You also wish you had more energy to cope with work, family and hobbies and that you didn't feel constantly fatigued. Does this sound familiar? Less Exercise Makes You More Tired...
3 Powerful Reasons Why You Need Enthusiasm!
In this article, I explore why enthusiasm is essential to our success. There are so many reasons why we need to be enthusiastic, but I’m going to focus on 3 powerful ones.
What Have You Learned From Parenting?
When my children were young, my role was clear to me. I was here to keep them safe and teach them how the world works. Now I’m older I realise that I was wrong.
Five Great Ways to Refresh Your Relationship
A great mutually-loving relationship is something that is sought by almost everybody. Here are five highly effective tips for keeping your relation fresh, fun, and long-lasting.
How to Overcome Public Speaking Nerves
Speaking in public is a well-known fear and many people try to avoid it if they possibly can. Just the thought of public speaking can be terrifying, so here are six effective techniques for overcoming your nerves.
Why Sales Calls Make Me Angry
I’m normally a calm, easy-going type of person. I’m not easily frazzled. Why then does contact with a salesperson turn me into an angry, red-eyed, screaming rage monster?
Inspiration Boosters for Busy Professionals
Here are 4 instant inspiration booster shots. for busy professionals at work Use them whenever you have 5 or 15 minutes of down-time and need an inspirational shot in the arm.
5 Ways Your CV or Resume Sucks
As a Partner in a successful design agency that has made its name by insisting on supplying excellence, I get to see a lot of job applications. Here are the top five reasons why some resumes do much better than others.
Public Speaking Secrets of the Ancients
The Ancient Greeks and Romans knew a thing or two about the art of influencing people with the power of words. Here is your instant guide to 5 of the best public speaking secrets of ancient masters.