How to Overcome Public Speaking Nerves

How to Overcome Public Speaking Nerves

Speaking in public is a well-known fear and many people will try to avoid it if they possibly can. However there are occasions when you can’t wriggle out of having to speak in public. Previously, most of us only needed to overcome public speaking nerves when we...
Why Sales Calls Make Me Angry

Why Sales Calls Make Me Angry

 I’m normally a calm, easy-going type of person, but I must confess that sales calls make me angry. They disturb me when I’m busy, or worse, when I’m trying to relax. They push their product into my face in an aggressive manner, and then become...
Inspiration Boosters for Busy Professionals

Inspiration Boosters for Busy Professionals

Here are 4 instant inspiration booster shots for busy professionals. Use them whenever you have 5 or 15 minutes of down-time and need an inspirational shot in the arm, perhaps before a team meeting or starting a new project. 1. Review Your Goals My first inspiration...
5 Ways Your CV or Resume Sucks

5 Ways Your CV or Resume Sucks

As a Partner in a company that has made its name by insisting on excellence, I get to see a lot of job applications. There’s one thing all applicants include: a summary document. Whether you call it a Resume, CV or Curriculum Vitae it all boils down to the same...
Public Speaking Secrets of the Ancients

Public Speaking Secrets of the Ancients

The Ancient Greeks and Romans knew a thing or two about the art of convincing people through the power of words. After all, they didn’t have blogs or PowerPoint to help them, so they had to be good. Their secret was a battery of techniques they used to great...

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