What Is Success?

What Is Success?

I want to be a success. You want to be a success. We all know exactly what that means of course. Of course not! One person’s success dream is often another’s nightmare. So what is success? Is it Money? Is being successful all about having money? Or is it...
Inspiration Boosters for Busy Professionals

Inspiration Boosters for Busy Professionals

Here are 4 instant inspiration booster shots for busy professionals. Use them whenever you have 5 or 15 minutes of down-time and need an inspirational shot in the arm, perhaps before a team meeting or starting a new project. 1. Review Your Goals My first inspiration...
5 Great Ways to Find Inspiration

5 Great Ways to Find Inspiration

Inspiration is the source of our greatest work. We rely on it every day to write, paint, design, plan and compose, yet many people often find that it’s hard to come by. Here are some of my favourite ways to find inspiration when I want it. Ask a Big Question One...
Wrestle a Gorilla

Wrestle a Gorilla

Today I squeezed an elephant into a bottle. Yesterday I ran ten thousand leagues. Tomorrow I’m going to wrestle a gorilla. That’s my life, but it’s nothing compared to yours. We Are Amazing Every day, people all over the world do the impossible just...

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