by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
I recently came across an interesting list of Ghandi’s Seven Blunders of the World that I’d like to share with you. Ghandi’s Seven Blunders of the World The Seven Blunders of the World is a list that Mahatma Gandhi gave to his grandson on their final...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
New year resolutions are a tremendous opportunity to commit to change in our lives. Being the best we can be starts with our attitude, our values and our commitment. At the beginning of a new year it can be a good time to choose resolutions which we can commit to that...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
What is it that inspires us? What makes us push past what we think are our boundaries? Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired by a visit to Mahatma Gandhi in India during 1959. He wrote: “I left India more convinced than ever before that nonviolent resistance is...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
It’s time you stopped messing around. Stop dreaming about having a better car or a loving relationship and do something about it. You’re not getting anywhere by daydreaming. Today’s the day you need to put the pedal to the metal and drive all the way...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
They say that if you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results. Makes sense doesn’t it? Then why do we avoid change so much? Whatever the reasons are, the fact remains that successful people and organisations all know that being able...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
Inspiration is the source of our greatest work. We rely on it every day to write, paint, design, plan and compose, yet many people often find that it’s hard to come by. Here are some of my favourite ways to find inspiration when I want it. Ask a Big Question One...