by Ash Mashhadi | Confidence
I was listening to a song by Dido yesterday. It’s called This Land is Mine and it never fails to make me think about how I’m living my life. It’s a song about realising that your life belongs only to you. No Trespassers All too often we allow others...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
It’s time you stopped messing around. Stop dreaming about having a better car or a loving relationship and do something about it. You’re not getting anywhere by daydreaming. Today’s the day you need to put the pedal to the metal and drive all the way...
by Ash Mashhadi | Mental Health
As you embark on a journey of self-discovery and start to realise your true potential, you may find that your newfound personal power attracts a wide range of people into your life. While some of these individuals may share your vision and aspirations, others may not...
by Ash Mashhadi | Inspiration
They say that if you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results. Makes sense doesn’t it? Then why do we avoid change so much? Whatever the reasons are, the fact remains that successful people and organisations all know that being able...