New year resolutions are a tremendous opportunity to commit to change in our lives. Being the best we can be starts with our attitude, our values and our commitment. At the beginning of a new year it can be a good time to choose resolutions which we can commit to that strengthen our lives. Here, I offer you five resolutions for success that you can use at the start of the year or any time you want.

1. Focus for Success

Start with a clear definition of the nature of your success. What are you really looking for? Is it happy relationships, academic success, an improved career, financial security or something else entirely? How will you recognise your ideal life when you get it? Resolve to define your success, write it down and review it daily. I review mine in the morning; some people do it before going to bed. Whatever you choose, do it daily and measure your progress regularly to remain focused.

2. Be the Success You Want to Attract

Use the Law of Attraction and act as if you already have your success (be absolutely clear: I’m not advocating spending money you don’t have yet). Be a source of positive energy, make friends with people who believe in you and support your goals. Do the same for them. Create when others destroy. Perform random acts of kindness. Be a model of what you want to attract into your life.

3. Study Success

Buy books, CDs and DVDs written by success mentors such as Jim Rohn, Jack Canfield and Anthony Robbins. Study success strategies. Keep doing it until it’s second nature to you. Get obsessed, become a success bore. Being successful is not something you can do by accident or as a part-time job. If you want it, you’re going to have to work for it. That means learning new skills, improving your abilities and developing an unshakeable attitude.

Start by buying a copy of Jeffrey Gitomer’s “Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude”. Read or watch positive videos for at least 15 minutes per day. I do it for up to an hour because that works for me, but that doesn’t suit everyone. You can join the many people who get their “15 minute fix” of inspiration each morning by reading or listening to the resources on

4. Work Together

Collaborate with like-minded people. Find people who share your attitude of success and help each other to succeed. Maybe you could create a Mastermind Group to share ideas and encouragement. Helping others to succeed is often the best way to find your own success. is all about helping you to find success and I can’t tell you how much running it helps me to be more successful every single day. I want you to be a part of that journey too, so I highly recommend joining my mailing list and I’ll share additional insights and opportunities for growth with you.

5. Keep Going

This is a key resolution. Resolve to persist in spite of all the odds. Keep going. Never stop, even when you feel you’re getting nowhere. Your success is incredibly important, not just for you but for all those around you. Everyone that sees your success will be inspired to push themselves a little further. Your every achievement makes your ultimate success more likely. Every tiny victory is another step along your path, another rung higher up that ladder of achievement.

The Next Step

This year, make your resolutions for success and start right away on making them happen. In case I haven’t made it clear enough yet, your achievements are incredibly important to me, so please share what your resolutions are below and keep coming back to update me on how you’re doing. Let’s be successful together.

Random Quote

“Change is often rejuvenating, invigoration, fun… and necessary.”

— Lynn Povich
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